Method for maintaining global configuration items in production JAMF environment

This document refers to the following global settings. These Items are limited to the LGA's.:

  • Packages
  • Scripts
  • Printers
  • Directory Bindings
  • Disk Encryption Configurations
  • Dock Items
  • Configurations

To prevent accidental modification of one unit's settings by another unit's admins, LGA's are not able to update (modify) global settings in the production JAMF environment. Although UFIT is continuing to research middleware options that will allow more restrictive access to global settings, a middleware solution will not be in place at time of go-live.

The TEST JAMF environment allow LGA's to read, create and update the 7 items listed above. There is no "delete" in either environment. We have confirmed with JAMF that 'Update' needs to be enabled for an admin to be able to add new items. We have re-enabled the update privilege for LGA's, except on 'Directory Bindings'. A Cherwell ticket will need to be submitted to have directory bindings added, modified, or deleted.

In the meantime, the following it the suggested method to maintain your unit's global setting items:

  • Initial setup of global settings
    Configure all global settings in the test JAMF environment
    Submit Cherwell ticket to move item to prod or copy it over
  • When a change needs to be made in a global setting
    Submit Cherwell ticket to have existing setting in production deleted
    Modify setting in test