Naming Convention Rules
Jamf Naming Conventions
Everything added to Jamf Pro needs to include the site name as a prefix.
This includes Packages, Directory Bindings, Printers, Scripts, Policies, configurations, groups etc. This also includes all files uploaded to the distribution points.
- UFIT - AdobeFlashPlayer_29.0.0.113.pkg (Package)
- UFIT - BigFix-Uninstall (Script)
- UFIT - XeroxWorkCentre (Printer)
Please note that it is crucial that the prefix matches your site name EXACTLY. This includes any hyphenation. For example, if your unit is one of many sub-units, your site will have a xxxx-xxxx format:
If you're in GATR-WALLY, be sure to use 'GATR-WALLY', not 'WALLY'. Not using the entire site name can result in content that cannot be associated with a unit and runs a risk of being removed from the system.
We have made every effort to include every combination of formatting of the hyphenation that lies between the prefix and the content name in our automated cleanup processes, but for readability, we recommend sticking to the following format for spacing"
UFIT - XeroxWorkCentre
Note that there is a single space on either side of the hyphenation between the prefix and the content name. If your unit is a sub unit, it would look like this:
GATR-WALLY - XeroxWorkCentre