Authorized Data Types

DocuSign has been vetted to be used with restricted data, with some limitations.  In an attempt to help the university continue operations in a safe and efficient manner during this time, please use DocuSign in accordance with the following guidelines:

Data TypeCan be Used with DocuSign?
RESTRICTED See further below


Restricted Data Limits
Personal Health Information (PHI) Yes, but only as absolutely necessary and with as little information as possible 
Personally Identifiable Information (PII) and Social Security Numbers  (SSN) Yes, PII is allowed but limit use of SSN’s as much as possible 
Payment Card Data (PCI) or Bank Account information Not permitted 
Export Control / ITAR Not permitted 
Criminal Justice Information  Not permitted 


Learn more by reviewing UF’s Data Classification Policy.

Not sure how your data might be classified?  Refer to UF’s Data Classification Guidelines and/or the UF Data Guide interactive tool.