Quick Reg Training Videos

The training videos provided below were created to help Quick Registration (QuickReg) Program Administrators learn how to navigate and complete tasks in the QuickReg system. QuickReg frequently asked questions (FAQs) can be found here. User documentation that supports these videos can be found here. If you have any questions concerning QuickReg please submit a "Provost/AA Application Support" help request form found on this page: http://tss.it.ufl.edu/help-requests.

  1. Logging into QuickReg (duration 1:50)
    This video will demonstrate how to log into the QuickReg system. Once you are given administrative access to QuickReg you can begin creating activities.
  2. Navigating the List of Activities Page (duration 2:40)
    This video will introduce you to the List of Activities page and how to find your way around it.
  3. Creating an Activity (duration 2:29)
    This video demonstrates how to create an activity in QuickReg. Each program must have at least one activity created under it.
  4. Understanding the Section's "Info" Tab (duration 4:41)
    This video introduces you to the "Info" tab where you will add a fee to your section, set the course completion dates, link it to the Canvas course ID, etc. The information entered on the "Info" tab is used to create the course registration page your students will see when they enroll into your course. If you prefer, a written explanation on understanding the section's "Info" tab can be found here.
  5. Adding a Fee to a Section (duration 3:32)
    This video demonstrates how to add a fee to a section. A fee must be added, even if the course is free since adding a fee creates the Student Registration URL. You can add more than one fee to each section. If you prefer, a written explanation on adding fees to a section can be found here.
  6. Creating Additional Information Sets (Question Sets)
    Video coming soon. If you prefer, a written explanation on how to create additional information sets can be found here.
  7. Creating Certificates of Completion 
    Video coming soon. If you prefer, a written explanation on how to create certificates of completion can be found here.
  8. Creating Registration Codes (duration 3:13)
    This video demonstrates how to create registration codes. Registration codes can be used by students to enroll in activities and are a simple way to restrict access to activities. Registration codes are optional. If you prefer, a written explanation on how to create registration codes can be found here.
  9. Creating Restricted Affiliation Sets (duration 4:09)
    This video will demonstrate how to create custom sets to restrict enrollment into your course based on UF affiliation types, such as faculty, staff, student. You can also set the course enrollment cap to limit the number of students allowed to enroll into your course. If you prefer, a written explanation on how to create restricted affiliation sets is available here.
  10. Creating Custom Successful Enrollment Emails (duration 3:19)
    This video will demonstrate how to create custom successful enrollment emails that will be sent to your students upon their successful enrollment into your course. If you prefer, a written explanation on how to create custom successful enrollment emails can be found here.