How to Restrict Student Access

QuickReg offers a number of ways for program administrators to restrict enrollment access to their sections, including:

  1. Don't advertise the section's fee as explained on the Adding Fees to Your Section page.
  2. Use UF affiliations as explained below.
  3. Set a maximum number of enrollments.

Using UF Affiliation Types to Restrict Student Enrollment

You can restrict student access to your sections based on their affiliation with UF and their GatorLink ID. Once you are on the "Restrictions" tab, you can choose from the drop down list three existing groups:

  • Existing GatorLink — students must have a GatorLink, QuickReg will not create one for them.
  • Verified UF Identity — students must have a GatorLink with an affiliation higher than "Contact". This option blocks students with GatorLinks that were created in QuickReg from being able to register for a section.
  • Faculty, Staff, and Students — students must be UF faculty, staff, or student. This option blocks students with GatorLinks that were created in QuickReg from being able to register for a section.

Or you can create custom restriction sets made with the UF affiliations you choose. To create a custom set make sure you are on the "Restrictions" tab and click on the "Create set" button. See the image below.

After clicking on the "Create set" button you will see the dialog box as shown below.

As shown in the image above, you enter a name for the set you are creating, then make the appropriate selections to add to your set. When you are finished selecting the affiliations, be sure to click on the "Save" button.

After you click on the "Save" button the screen will display the types of affiliations that can enroll in the section, see the image below.

Once a restriction set has been created you can edit or delete the set as needed by clicking on the appropriate button.

Setting Maximum Number of Enrollments

You can limit the number of registrants by selecting the "Enable maximum registrations" check box and then entering the max number of students that can enroll in the course.