The Additional Information tab is used to create question sets, a set of additional questions you can ask your students.
QuickReg only collects the student's First Name, Last Name, Email, and Birthday. Therefore, if you would like to collect additional information from your students, such as their professional license number, address, etc. you will need to create a question set.
To begin creating a question set, click on the "Additional information" tab. You will see the screen as shown below.
Once you click on the "Create set" button a dialog box will open where you can give your set a name, see the image below.
After naming your set click the "Okay" button and you will return to the Additional information tab where you can add questions to your new set by clicking on the "Add question" button. See image below.
A dialog box will open where you can choose the type of question you wish to create. Follow the directions located in the box for the question type you wish to add.
When you click the "Save" button your question will load in the grid as shown in the image below. You can edit or delete questions by selecting the checkbox next to the question you wish to change or remove.