How do I ask for an third level domain?

Follow Request Domain link and complete the form.

If I have a question, who do I contact?

Please, contact Anne Allen
Phone: (352)273-4909
Cell: (352)871-2707

How long will it take to approve a Domain?

The process should take approximately four weeks.

What do the different statuses mean?
  • Registered - an approved third level domain.
  • Requested - initial status for a domain that is waiting on approval by the president's designee.
  • Denied - deemed inappropriate by the president's designee. The requester may still question that decision.
  • Rejected - deemed inappropriate by the president's designee. The requester can no longer question the decision.
  • Retired - domain no longer needed by department.
  • Approved - president's designee has approved the domain, however, there is further action required by UNS staff.
I requested a domain, what happens now?
  1. The request is sent to the president's designee for review.
  2. The president's designee will either approve, deny, or reject the request.
    1. If approved, the domain will be registered by Infrastructure Reliability Services (IRS) team.
    2. If denied, the requester still has the opportunity to question why the domain was denied and the president's designee may reconsider the request.
    3. If rejected, no further questioning is allowed.
How do I list domains that I am associated with?

Search Domains by Group allows you to view domains owned by a particular group