Shared Infrastructure Advisory Workgroup


In alignment with the vision and mission of operational excellence and the University of Florida Strategic Plan for IT: 2020-2025 the Shared Infrastructure Advisory Workgroup mandate is:

  1. Identify new technology in support of business needs.
  2. Recommend strategies for supporting emerging business needs through shared technology infrastructure.
  3. Provide input regarding priorities for shared infrastructure need to the VPCIO, Associate CIO and UFIT Senior Leadership Team.

The above mandate is applicable to all IT shared infrastructure services acquired, developed, distributed, used, purchased, or implemented by or for the University and used to provide University programs, services, or activities.  This includes, but is not limited to, all  IT shared infrastructure related to University business, academic, and outreach.


Shared Infrastructure Advisory Workgroup Membership
Lane Blanchard

College of Pharmacy
Regular MembersUnit
Dan CromerInstitute of Food & Agricultural Sciences
Todd DigbyUniversity Libraries
Nick DunhamOffice of the VP for Research
Shawn LanderCollege of Engineering
Ken SallotCollege of Liberal Arts & Sciences
Dave TwombleyAcademic Health Center