Getting Connected

Gatorlink account A GatorLink username and password are required for access to most University of Florida information systems. GatorLink accounts are provided to individuals with active affiliations with the university, as recorded in the UF Identity Registry.

ONE.UFONE.UF is a self-service portal for faculty who interact with student information.

WiFi Eduroam is the University of Florida’s secure campus wireless network. If you need assistance in the configuration of a user's Gatorlink device to connect to Eduroam, please visit UF’s Wireless Onboarding portal.

VPN The Gatorlink VPN service provides secure remote access to the University of Florida network and makes it appear as if your computer were physically attached to the campus network. By using the Gatorlink VPN client, you may access resources on the UF network that are not typically available over an Internet path.

Research ComputingUFIT Research Computing provides comprehensive training, consulting, advanced software, and proposal support for researchers who use HiPerGator, the University of Florida supercomputer.

Security UFIT Security offers a variety of services with the goal of creating and ensuring a more secure network experience for the University of Florida.

Collaboration Services The University of Florida offers a variety of cloud collaboration services including the Google G Suite, Office 365, and Dropbox.

Software Licensing Software Licensing Services (SLS) provides software licensing, distribution, and management services for departments at the University of Florida.

Zoom Zoom is an easy-to-use video conferencing service available to all UF faculty, staff, and students that allows for meetings of up to 300 participants. Zoom is also available in Canvas for instructors to use in their courses.

Gator Mail Gator Mail is the University of Florida’s resource for all of your email needs. Gator Mail can help you get connected, change or edit your password, or report a phishing attempt.