Thesis, Dissertation, & Publication

While formatting assistance is provided by the UF Computing Help Desk in the Hub, the UF Graduate School Thesis, Dissertation and Publishing Team is a separate office, and you can find more information at their page here. Faculty and staff with curriculum issues and/or thesis and dissertation content questions should now go to 134 Grinter Hall or reach out via email ( or phone (392-1282).

For students, the Editors at the TD&P Team oversee the thesis and dissertation process, offering guidance to ensure their theses and dissertations meet UF’s high standards and are ready for electronic submission and digital archiving.

The Editorial Office can answer questions about:

  • Reference systems
  • Copyright/documentation issues
  • Provide referrals to editors for hire

NOTE: They do not examine or critique content, scholarship, research methods or writing style, which is the responsibility of the student and his or her supervisory committee.

For faculty and staff, they coordinate the UF Graduate Catalog and meetings of the UF Graduate Curriculum Committee, Maintaining a database of graduate course proposals and approvals.