Scoring Criteria

Scoring Criteria for Technology Fee Concept Papers and Proposals



The project promotes an exceptional academic environment through the innovative use of technology.


A college dean or director certifies that the project serves the institutional mission and is aligned with the University of Florida strategic plan.


A UFIT associate CIO or director2 certifies that the proposal is technically feasible and the initial budget request is a reasonable first approximation of funds required for success.


If the project requires recurring resources, the concept paper and proposal must include a viable sustainability plan3.


The project is innovative in delivering a new service, resource, implementing a concept or delivery method, and not simply upgrading existing services or facilities.


The 1-year project budget includes only technology items and does not include salary, services, facilities, furniture, and similar items.


The project meets all ADA4 requirements and complies with the UF Electronic and Information Technology Accessibility Policy.


The project outlined in the concept paper improves student learning experiences.


The project improves the capacity to create, innovative and high-quality learning environments.


If the project is to be used in or by courses, it includes the involvement of course instructors utilizing the technology.


The project can reach students, faculty, and staff across the University and beyond to achieve a common good.


The project outlined in the concept paper efficiently uses existing resources and services (does not duplicate services or infrastructure).


The project improves the technical skills, competency, and success rate of students.


1 Proposals not meeting this requirement will not be considered.
2 These are direct reports to the CIO.
3 Recurring funds must be provided by the unit of the proposer or generated by the project.
4 The American Disabilities Act (ADA) requires that the Web and other resources provide individuals with disabilities with an experience that is equivalent to that of individuals without disabilities.