UFIT Brand

Why is brand important?

The UFIT brand is our ‘calling card’ for campus… and beyond. UF Information Technology staff interact with students, faculty, IT and non-IT staff, university executives, research scientists at peer institutions, vendors, alumni, and federal and state agency staff on a daily basis. It is important that the information we provide is delivered in a consistent format.

A consistent content style and format unites us in the eyes of the diverse constituents we serve. That’s why it is extremely important that we all adhere to the standards presented on this site: We are ONE UFIT and should identify as UFIT when communicating in emails, in person, and online.


What is UFIT’s brand?

UFIT’s brand is both thematic and visual.
UFIT's theme is rooted in these core concepts:

  1. UFIT Supports UF’s Mission of Teaching, Research, and Service
  2. UFIT Provides Value for the University
  3. UFIT is Innovative
  4. UFIT is Efficient
  5. UFIT is Responsive

UFIT staff strives to exhibit good university and community citizenship in all professional and personal interactions.

Visually, we reinforce the UFIT theme by:

UFIT Email Standard

UFIT's email signature components are:

UF Information Technology
Physical Campus Location and/or Campus Mail Box
Phone Number
UFIT primary signature logo (optional)

The email signature standard serves as a guideline ‘best practice’ so UFIT customers receive a consistent visual identifier and information from staff throughout the division. Questions about altering any of the UFIT standards should be sent to it-comm@ufl.edu