Classroom Spaces

Academic Technology provides eight computer classrooms and supporting learning spaces in five separate facilities for the use of all University of Florida students, faculty and staff.

All classrooms are available for reservation by instructors of UF courses. Please check the corresponding classroom reservation calendar for availability before submitting a reservation request. In order to use AT Learning Spaces facilities, you must have a valid GatorLink account.

Reserving a UFIT Learning Spaces classroom gives you more than just a room to teach your courses! We also provide hardware and software to help create a more interactive learning environment, such as:

  • Wacoms and Huion interactive pen displays
  • Upgraded graphics cards to assist with rendering and intensive programs
  • Projectors and displays
  • Microphones
  • Scanners
  • Section Heading
  • Tablets
  • Software, such as Adobe and Autodesk projects

Reserving any of our rooms is free of charge. We have classrooms in Architecture, Computer Sciences and Engineering (CSE), Norman and Weil. For more information about what each specific learning space and its respective room(s) provide, please visit the Learning Spaces page.

We advise checking out our different classroom designs so that you may make an informed decision about the layout that suits you and your course. If our software list is missing an application that is necessary for your course, please do not hesitate to fill out a Software Request Form.


Visit Classroom Spaces

Specific information about our various classroom spaces can be found on their respective pages.