User Roles

Security roles determine what menu items or task lists users see when they sign onto UFDocuSign, and what functions they can perform. Access levels can vary from signing a document to sending and creating documents.

Anyone in the world can sign documents sent via UFDocuSign. No security role is required. However, if you want to send documents or create document templates, you will need to complete online training and request a security role. Please know, it takes 2 business days to enable your UFDocuSign permissions after your DSA assigns the role.

Contact information for Department Security Administrators are located at:



Anyone in the world can sign documents sent via UFDocuSign.  No security role is required.  All signers should be wary of possible phishing attempts that may appear to come from UFDocuSign. Be sure you are expecting a document to sign.  Also, hover over the link and verify it contains “” and begins with https.



If you want to send documents via UFDocuSign for electronic signatures, you will need the UF_N_DOCUSIGN_SENDER role. To get this role, please complete PST280 – UFDocuSign Sender Training and then request the role from your DSA.



If you want to send documents for electronic signatures; create, edit, and share UFDocuSign document templates for use within a department or business unit; and create PowerForms, you will need the UF_N_DOCUSIGN_AUTHOR role. To get this role, please complete PST290 – UFDocuSign Author Training and then request the role from your DSA.​


21 CFR Part 11

If you want to send documents for electronic signatures as well as create, edit, and share UFDocuSign document templates in the 21 CFR Part 11 instance of DocuSign, you will need both the UF_N_DOCUSIGN_AUTHOR role and the UF_N_DOCUSIGN_CFR21_11_AUTHOR role. To get these roles, please complete PST290 - UFDocuSign Author Training (PST290) first if not already an Author in DocuSign Standard, then DocuSign Life Sciences 21 CFR Part 11 (OCR900), then request the roles from your DSA.