
As with all online activity, please be aware of phishing attempts that may appear to come from UFDocuSign. Phishing is a form of social engineering that appears to come from a familiar group or organization but contains a link to steal your log-in credentials, passwords or personal information, such as your address or bank routing number. Here’s how to stay safe while using UFDocuSign and online in general:


  • Do NOT open unknown or suspicious attachments. UFDocuSign will never ask you to open a PDF, office document or zip file in an email.
  • Hover over links before clicking: URLs to view or sign UFDocuSign documents contain “” and always start with https (not http).
  • If you’d like to avoid clicking on links, you can access your documents directly at by entering the unique security code, which is included at the bottom of every UFDocuSign email.
  • Look for misspellings, poor grammar, generic greetings and a false sense of urgency.
  • Contact the sender to verify the email’s authenticity, if you are still suspicious.
  • Use strong, unique passwords for each service – don’t reuse passwords on multiple websites.
  • Ensure your anti-virus software is up to date and all application patches are installed.
  • Report suspicious UFDocuSign emails to and
  • When a large malware or phishing campaign is detected, a security notice containing relevant details will be posted on the DocuSign Trust Center at


Your local IT support can offer additional advice on phishing precautions, as well as help you select secure storage options for your research, teaching and learning, and administrative activities. For additional information, visit

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