Receiving Help

UFIT Technology Support Services aims to remove our customer's technical barriers so they have the technological freedom to focus on serving their clients.

For UF Employees

Using Computer Resources

TSS follows all UF policies and in particular those specified by UF Information Technology (UFIT).

In short:

  • Only authorized users may access UF systems.
  • GatorLink password information should not be given to other individuals (not even to TSS staff). Per UF's Policy for use of GatorLink Services, users are responsible for all activities associated with their GatorLink user name.
  • The University reserves the right to monitor use as necessary to ensure its stability and security.
  • Users must adhere to all of the University's Information Technology Policies & Standards and in particular the policy on Acceptable Use of Computing Resources.
  • Access by unauthorized users is prohibited.


TSS Standards & Procedures

TSS Help Requests

All help requests should be submitted via the TSS Help Request page (part of the myIT service request system). This ensures that:

  • Someone at TSS will receive the request without the customer having to guess which particular staff member is available and has the knowledge to address their issue,
  • The name, contact information, and location of the person submitting the request will be available to all TSS staff, UFIT can centrally collect all requests to help identify problems that several people are having,
  • The request can be granted priority according to the type of work and when it was received. For more information, please see the Ticket Prioritization page, and finally
  • Both TSS and the person needing help have a record of the request.


More TSS Standards, Procedures, & Guidelines

TSS standards, procedures and guidelines are written as needed in conjunction with the changing needs of UF, increasing capabilities of technology, security demands, industry best practices, mandates from UF's Office of Information Technology, or Privacy Office, etc. Please see the links on the upper left portion of this page for additional information.