PeopleSoft Payment Review

  1. To access your UFIT invoice, go to the billing portal at to view your monthly bill.
  2. The invoice will have a Journal ID number that was used when processing charges for the following UFIT service units:

    UFIT Unit:

    Journal Starts With:

    Academic Technology




    Enterprise Systems


    Research Computing




  3. There are two ways in PeopleSoft to view the Journal ID number used when payment was collected:
  • The first way is to use the Query Method. Follow these navigation steps in PeopleSoft:

A. Using the Navigation Bar select Main Menu

B. Select Financials

C. Select Reporting Tools

D. Select Query

E. Select Query Viewer

F. Search By: Query Name (begins with: UF_GL_UFIT_ID_TRANSACTIONS)

G. Select run to HTML


I. From Date: First day of the month

J. To Date: Last day of the month

K. Department: Your Department ID

L. Status: Posted to Ledger(s)

M. The output will show the chartfields, amounts, invoice number, and the service month that corresponds with that Journal ID, and specific service. 

  • The second way is to navigate through the General Ledger. Follow these navigational steps in PeopleSoft:

A. Using the Navigation Bar select Main Menu

B. Select Financials

C. Select General Ledger

D. Select Journals

E. Select Journal Entry

F. Select Create/Update Journal Entries

G. Select the Find an Existing Value Tab

H. The Business Unit is UFLOR

I. The Journal ID number is the Journal ID from the invoice

J. All other fields need to be blank

K. Select the Lines tab on the Journal ID and this output will show all of the departments that were processed on this Journal ID.

L. To view all of the lines first look to see the total number of lines. Type this number in the line box and click the blue double arrow box to the right.

M. Search for your Department ID and find the line or lines that billed on this journal. This output will show the chartfields, amounts, invoice number (under Reference), service month, and UFIT customer number (under Journal Line Description).

  • If the invoice does not have a Journal ID number beside each service then this indicates that we did not receive payment. This will most likely be due to not having a valid Chartfield string for the customer number and/or service at the time of billing. Please navigate to the MyUF Market and fill out an Internal Service Provider (ISP) form for the specific UFIT service type. For more detailed instructions on how to fill out these ISP forms visit our documentaion for Submitting Chartfield Payment.  

Contact the UFIT Business Center Billing staff at or (352) 392-7449 for any assistance.

*These are just a few helpful notes that we use when assisting customers. These are not official PeopleSoft instructions.