Invoice Review

Invoice Review Instructions for UFIT Provided Services:

  • Academic Technology (Video, Software licensing, Web design, AV Install, Printing, Scanning)
  • Computing (Virtual Machine, Database, Web, Storage, Back-up, and Zoom)
  • Enterprise Systems (Application Development)
  • Research Computing (Research Computing and Storage)
  • Telecommunications (Basic Line, Long Distance, Install/Repair/Materials)
  • Wall-Plate (Internet, WiFi, Switches)

Access to the UFIT Services Online portal is restricted to those who have requested to be a USER-CONTACT in our billing system. If you attempt to log-in and receive an error message, please submit the Contact update form and email it to

An e-mail notification from IT-BC-UFITBILL will be sent to all Departmental Fiscal User-Contacts around the 15th of each month when new invoices are posted and ready for review.

Use the links below to review invoice documentation by payment type:

Payment Type - Chartfield

Payment Type - Check or EFT

To review invoices (Firefox is the recommended browser but IE, Chrome and Safari will also work):

  1. Start at the UFIT Services Online log-in page: enter your Gatorlink username and password
  2. Click on Billing from the menu on the left side of the screen
  3. At the Department Billing window, click the SEARCH button to see a list of all department/customer numbers your name is associated with, OR enter the 8-digit UFIT customer number (without suffix ‘-X’) in the Department Number field and hit ENTER . (If you do not see the specific customer number you are looking for listed, please contact us to request an association.) Also, please note the Department Number here is not associated with your UF Department ID.
  4. Click the Billing Date link of the invoice you would like to view
  5. A DEPARTMENTAL BILL SUMMARY window will open and based upon your needs and preference, you will need to choose one of the view options below and follow the associated instructions to SEE THE INVOICE DETAILS:
  •  DEPARTMENTAL BILLS VIEW – This view can be used by all customers but is most helpful to internal departments who pay via chartfields and wish to see the journal IDs that were used to pay for each separate UF accounting code. This view summarizes ALL types of UFIT services billed for the month on the same customer number on a single invoice. TO VIEW THE INVOICE – you must click the blue VIEW REPORT button from this window. This will open a PDF of the invoice and you can save or print from this screen. If you don’t see the .PDF open on your screen, check your Downloads folder for the file. If the invoice was paid via UF chartfield without any errors, the invoice number, journal ID, and chartfields used will display at the top of the first page.
  •  INDIVIDUAL BILLS VIEW – This view can be used by all customers but is most helpful to those who pay via check or EFT. This view gives a breakdown of charges by individual service type. It does not summarize all types of services in one invoice and does not provide UF journal details for those who pay via chartfield. If you prefer this method, click the gray INDIVIDUAL BILLS button, (located below the Recurring Charges tab) and hit ENTER or click the SEARCH button. Click on the black Subscriber ID link associated with the Subscriber Group you wish to view. A separate BILL SUMMARY window will open for that specific service. To VIEW THE INVOICE you must click the VIEW REPORT button from this window. This will open a PDF of the invoice and you can save or print from this screen, (the invoice number should be at the top right corner of the first page). If you don’t see the PDF open on your screen, check your Downloads folder for the file.