Unizin Summit 2022

April 26-28, 2022
The Unizin Summit was held online once again this year. Overall, 583 registrants representing 62 institutions participated. Presentation tracks included Uniquely Unizin which highlighted the latest projects, initiatives, and findings empowered by Unizin services, data, and products and their implications for higher education moving forward; Digital Learning Data Ethics, Policy and Governance in which we discussed the essential components of data policy and governance to guide professional development and build awareness of the best practices in data ethics; and Informed Research and Decisions Through Applied Learning Analytics where we explored the application of learner analytics to better address the myriad operational and strategic challenges in higher education. Three members of the University of Florida community presented.
- Alex Bitton-Bailey, Ph.D.
Leveraging Learning Data - Andrew McDonald
Implementing Row Level Security in the Unizin Data Platform - Aaron Thomas, Ph.D.
Using Analytics to Optimize Student Success
Recordings of the presentation are available on the Unizin Summit 2022 YouTube Channel.