Unizin Summit 2021

April 21-22, 2021
The 2021 Unizin Summit was fully online this year in response to COVID-19 restrictions. Thirty-four UF faculty and staff joined 600+ colleagues from 63 institutions representing 28 states and eight countries. The focus of this year’s Summit was on using learning analytics to improve the teaching and learning experience for faculty and students, and addressing the ethical concerns and approach of using student data.
Doug Johnson, UFIT Manager of Digital Teaching & Learning Initiatives, was part of the team (along with representatives from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, Ohio State, and Oregon State) that presented on Guiding Principles for the Application of Learning Analytics. The presentation was based on the results of two years of work developing guiding principles and ethical guidelines for engaging in learning analytics work. The principles were established through extensive consultation with Unizin user groups, representatives of more than a dozen institutions, and input from Unizin leadership. The principles are approved by Unizin’s Board of Directors and are now offered as guidance (not mandates) to member institutions. Many of the presentations from this year’s event are available on YouTube.