Computer Standards

TSS-Supported Machines: Standard Setup

TSS-supported computers are desktop or laptop computers managed by TSS staff. TSS’s operating policy is to follow best practices for administrating an enterprise environment. This includes following UFIT's recommendations to standardize desktop and laptop models and purchasing from a single vendor.


Standard Office of Computer Hardware

One computer assigned per employee. The standard setup is:

  • UF Standard PC Bundle approved by UF's CIO (Dell Optiplex 7040)
    • Wired USB Keyboard
    • Wired USB Mouse
    • Speaker sound bar
  • Two 24" LCD monitors
  • Surge protector or battery backup

For employees who routinely need access to a computer in several locations—on and/or off campus—the Alternate Office Computer Setup will apply:

  • UF Standard Laptop Bundle approved by UF’s CIO (Dell Latitude E7270)
  • Docking station solution—Dell E-Port Plus (designed for E-Series Latitude laptops)
    • Wired USB Keyboard (to plug into the E-Port Plus)
    • Wired USB Mouse (to plug into the E-Port Plus)
    • Speaker sound bar
  • Two 24" LCD monitors
  • Surge protector
  • The use of the UF VPN Service (using the Cisco AnyConnect Client) to connect to resources while off campus

If a unit has multiple employees who infrequently travel, then the unit should consider buying a laptop that can be shared between those employees.  

Exceptions to this include:

  • President, Provost, Vice Presidents, and Associate Provosts that prefer both a desktop and a laptop
  • Individuals that perform job-related duties requiring higher powered machines (ex: running reports from millions of lines of data, intensive video and digital image editing, full-time programming, etc.)
  • Other specific requirements of an individual's official duties as specified and funded by the managing unit


Naming Conventions

TSS supported machines—and all UFIT workstations—follow a standard naming format so they can be easily identified, both in terms of which customer group owns the machine and the usage of the machine.  The naming convention is:

  • UFIT machines:
    • IT-[UFIT Unit]-[Unit subgroup, optional]-[Service description] Number [Operating system type]
  • TSS supported customer groups:
    • TSS-[Customer]-[Unit Subgroup, optional]-[Service Description] Number [Operating system type]


Printers & Scanners

TSS follows UFIT's preferred policy of using networked (centrally available) printers and multifunction devices (MFD) rather than a printer attached to each desktop. For more information, please see UF Purchasing's PrintSmart program.

Exceptions to this may include employees who:

  • Are in President, Provost, Vice President or Associate Provost positions
  • Cannot leave their desks due to physical challenges or job responsibilities
  • Print private or protected data that must not be viewed by other employees in the same office
  • Are located in geographically dispersed offices that cannot easily access a central printer